2017년 10월 11일 수요일

King Nebuchadnezzar could taste "God" because of Daniel and his three friends in whom GOD was(Dan 2:47, 3:28)... 

How about people around me in whom the same GOD is?

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WTT Psalm 65:4 דִּבְרֵ֣י עֲ֭וֹנֹת גָּ֣בְרוּ מֶ֑נִּי פְּ֜שָׁעֵ֗ינוּ אַתָּ֥ה תְכַפְּרֵֽם׃   BGT Psalm 64:4 λόγοι ἀνομιῶν ὑπερεδυνάμωσαν ἡ...